Many technologies, you need a ployglot development platform to cature variation of technologies. GitHub known to be as a distributed-repository giant assed the same and is coming up with “Atom” IDE. This post I shall highlight features of the IDE that shall enable developers to get more into the subject. On high level main highlights of Atom is follows

  • Cross-platform: Atom works across operating systems. You can use it on OS X, Windows, or Linux.
  • Package manager: There are “thousands” of plugins created that make Atom amazing. Not missing out essentials like “grunt-runner”, “gulp-task-launcher”, “gradle-ci”, etc.
  • Hackable to Core: Write plugin, Git fork and modify, or Configure extremely - Atom will allow this. No other IDE is so flexible - Its future.

Atom Cool Features

  • Atom is a free and “open-source” - text and source code editor for “OS X, Linux, and Windows” with support for “plug-ins written in Node.js”, and embedded Git Control, developed by GitHub.
  • Atom is a desktop application built using web technologies. No more web-technolgies only produce web applications :).
  • Atom is based on Electron framework that enables cross-platform desktop applications using Chromium and Node.js. It is written in CoffeeScript and Less.
  • Using the default plugins, the following languages are supported: HTML, CSS, Less, Sass, GitHub Flavored Markdown, C/C++, C#, Go, Java, Objective-C, JavaScript, JSON, CoffeeScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, shell script, Clojure, Perl, Git, Make, Property List (Apple), TOML, XML, YAML, Mustache, Julia & SQL
  • With markdown processing you can generate intutive HTML pages from simple text files (.md extension). An inline text in markdown like “A->B->C” will generate a three block flowchart inside generated HTML with other text as is. Reduced bogging down with HTML for static content.