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Running Rancher's ContainerOS and launching Docker Containers from Inside

A guide about running Rancher’s Container OS inside virtual machine and launching Docker Containers from within. Also guide to setup Rancher Server (a container management platform) as docker container inside RancherOS for demo. Rancher Server’s docker container can also be run elsewhere.

Quick glance for Docker Administration Commands, Networking, Data Volumes ...

Hi, all I shall talk about in this article is a few common commands that shall be requied for Docker Administration, it could be from simple stuff like exposing container port to external world through host port mapping, or sharing some files, and more like running executables inside

Common Docker Commands, Tasks ETC.

A very powerful post for understanding key concepts about: What is Docker, Its Advantages & Limitations ?, Docker Terminologies. Specially about Windows Containers, ContainerOS and SmartOS and market options for ContainerOS and SmartOS. This post includes a quick guide for all installation methods for Docker client on Windows, Arch Linux, Debian Linux and Ubuntu as well as with package managers like Choclatey. Indeed, a guide about Practical Docker Containers. Here I’ll add details about Docker Commands for common tasks with Docker like Build Dockerfile Locally etc and Docker Administration.

Get Supercharged with 3rd Party Docker Tools

Docker, a perfect containerization tool that allows one to transfer applications as cross-platform linux appliances (duly installed and pre-configured) is a promising piece of technology. Although, windows containers are limited and can’t operate on linux as well one can’t generates appliances for multi-platform from single Dockerfile like in Packer, this technology is very powerful and used widely. Greatest demerits of working with docker is that it requires a lot of time with console and configuration files. In this article, I’ve tried to enlist few tools that will help in harping power of Docker to more extent.

Remotely Build Machine or Container Image, Install Apps & Deploy Anywhere with HashiCorp - Total DEVOPs

HashiCorp is the creator of the open source projects Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Serf, and Consul, and the commercial product Atlas. In this ecosystem Packer generated machine as well as container images froms scripts, Terraform provision hardware from these images (Artifacts), Vagrant deals with creating copy of production for development enviornment.

This is post we’ve presented overview of tools in HashiCorp EcoSystem as well as it contains building base for its apps by giving a detailed tutorial on Packer, Terraform etc.

Commands, Working Samples (.gitlab-ci.yml & Dockerfile)

This post is creates a basic understanding of important docker commands in a nutshell.