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Running Rancher's ContainerOS and launching Docker Containers from Inside

A guide about running Rancher’s Container OS inside virtual machine and launching Docker Containers from within. Also guide to setup Rancher Server (a container management platform) as docker container inside RancherOS for demo. Rancher Server’s docker container can also be run elsewhere.

Just a Little bit to Know apart from Azure and AWS.

Just tyring to collate what other cloud service providers had to offer apart from known: Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS. List includes RackSpace, OpenStack, Google Compute Engine etc.

Handling Python Distros: Anaconda, Canopy, IronPython, Official, Installing Jupyter, Widgets, Modules etc.

This artice elaborated on installing multiple python distributions on your system from: Anaconda, Canopy, IronPython, Official, etc. and managing them. It’s a non-docker based installation approch to Python on Windows. We’ll see installation of common Python - widgets, and modules in your python enviornment.

Install Local Spark Cluster with Hadoop Cluster

Here I will try to elaborate on simple guide to install Apache Spark on Windows (Without HDFS) and link it to local standalong Hadoop Cluster. Local hadoop cluster can be invoked by start-all.cmd on command prompt and viewed at http://localhost:50070. If it’s not installed follow here. Also read to resolve many issues.

Hadoop, HDFS, Yarn, Namenode, Datanode

In this article I will elaborate on steps to install single not prseudo-distribution of Hadoop (or local hadoop cluster with Yarn, Namenode, Datanode & HDFS). This site states typical installation guide which requires compilation of Hadoop from source. But we’ll not compile Hadoop instead we’ll add required binaries (Winutil.exe & Other Dlls) availaible for download at steveloughran/winutils.

All Tools You Need To Start

Hi, fed up with keeping track of so many tools of trade ?, Use this article as a quick reference to various tools of common trades (Big Data, IoT, Machine Learning, DEVOPs, jQuery etc.). Here are emphasized high level features, and reference liks for various tools along with reference URLs. So just enjoy good work created with a lot of patiance.

Quick glance for Docker Administration Commands, Networking, Data Volumes ...

Hi, all I shall talk about in this article is a few common commands that shall be requied for Docker Administration, it could be from simple stuff like exposing container port to external world through host port mapping, or sharing some files, and more like running executables inside

Common Docker Commands, Tasks ETC.

A very powerful post for understanding key concepts about: What is Docker, Its Advantages & Limitations ?, Docker Terminologies. Specially about Windows Containers, ContainerOS and SmartOS and market options for ContainerOS and SmartOS. This post includes a quick guide for all installation methods for Docker client on Windows, Arch Linux, Debian Linux and Ubuntu as well as with package managers like Choclatey. Indeed, a guide about Practical Docker Containers. Here I’ll add details about Docker Commands for common tasks with Docker like Build Dockerfile Locally etc and Docker Administration.

HTTP Command Stucture, REST Verbs & REST Testing Tools, GitLAB API Example ETC.

A post for elobrating about HTTP Command Stucture with BODY, HEADERS, PARAMETERS etc, and about REST Protocols & REST Testing Tools including GET, PUT, POST, PATCH & DELETE verbs. As well as elaborate example to call GitLAB build API for deletion of old builds in a pipeline.

Remotely Build Machine or Container Image, Install Apps & Deploy Anywhere with HashiCorp - Total DEVOPs

HashiCorp is the creator of the open source projects Vagrant, Packer, Terraform, Serf, and Consul, and the commercial product Atlas. In this ecosystem Packer generated machine as well as container images froms scripts, Terraform provision hardware from these images (Artifacts), Vagrant deals with creating copy of production for development enviornment.

This is post we’ve presented overview of tools in HashiCorp EcoSystem as well as it contains building base for its apps by giving a detailed tutorial on Packer, Terraform etc.

Inline HTML, Video, Geolocation & More in Tooltips.

qTip2 is the second generation of the advanced qTip plugin in jQuery framework. It has awsome features like: speech bubble tips, integrated AJAX, video bubbles, geolocation bubbles, viewport repositioning, z-index stacking, modal tooltips, dialog box tooltips, imagemap and svg tooltips, google translation & lots more.

In this post I’ve just included demonstration of how powerful these tooltips are. qTip2 is completely free under the MIT/GPLv2 licenses!. For details embedded page is shown next:

Common Git Commands, Tasks ETC.

A very simple post for Practical Git Repositories. Here I’ll add details about Git Commands for common tasks with Git like Cloning a Repository. Also there is short and precise overview of GIT functioning and commands.

Java, Maven, Node.js, Npm, Bower, Grunt, Gradle, Python, Docker, Ruby, Rails, WAMP+PHPMyAdmin+Adminer, MSBUILD, VirualBox, Git etc.

Setup Web Development Environment

Java, Maven, Node.js, Npm, Bower, Grunt, Gradle, Python, Docker, Ruby, Rails, Apache + MySQL + PHP + PHPMyAdmin, etc.

Setup Web Development Environment

Jupyter Notebook - Setup & Creation

The Jupyter Notebook allows you to share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. Uses include: data processing, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, & machine learning etc. This post will guide you in setting up the platform and creating your first notebook.

Documentation, Examples, Playground, & Resources etc.

Three.js library comes packed with SVG, Canvas and CSS3D renderers as well WebGL. Here, i’ve summarized varoius references for three.js. Like examples, test dashboard, projects, documentation etc.

WebGL: Introduction & Getting Started

WebGL (Web Graphics Library) is a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D and 2D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. WebGL does so by introducing an API that closely conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0 that can be used in HTML5 <canvas> elements.

Markup Editor with Inline Text to Live HTML Render (All Features)

This is a very simple example showing both edit and preview pane. Edit pane contains markdown code that is rendered as nice HTML code by javascript library.

Ultimate Maps API (MapBox) - Embedding & Usage

This post demonstrate how to use a MapBox to create awsome maps. MapBox provides with graphical editor called Studio. Via studio one can create or edit map projects.

Powerful Guide to Setup Apache Spark Enviornement

This is quick guide to spark problems faced at times

Unified Multi-Language Development with GitHub Atom IDE

Polyglot Development GitHub Atom ID

Unified Multi-Language Development with Visual Studio Code

Polyglot Development Visual Studio Code

Unified Multi-Language Development: No To Visual Studio

Modern Application Development A Big No To Visual Studio

Online Markdown Editor & JavaScript API

Markdown Files And Editors